Small-batch Hot Sauces and Spices

Bigger isn’t always better. In fact, sometimes it’s downright worse.
Though currently one of the food scene’s hottest buzzwords, the term “small-batch” didn’t become popularized until the 1990s, when whiskey companies started offering premium-grade, craft alternatives to the mass-produced standard. These so-called “small-batch” runs prioritized quality over quantity, calling back to a simpler time when whisky production was still a labor of love—an artform, even.
Small-batch ADF Travel Pack

Here’s where we come in. When we set out to design a lineup of flavor-packed African hot sauces and spices that perfectly encapsulated the continent’s distinct flavors, we knew small-batch was the only way to go. Some might think it’s pompous to call the products in ADF’s premier collection “masterpieces.” But we’ll be honest: they are.

With this collection, we’ve taken care to do what the other guys just don’t have time for: tediously developing our recipes, sourcing the highest-quality ingredients and testing everything ourselves. The bottom line? Indulging in the details makes a massive difference.

Not sold? Here’s why ADF’s craft hot sauces and chilli salts—and small-batch products in general—win big over mass-produced competitors.

Premium Ingredients

Ghost Peri-Peri Small-batch Hot Sauce


It’s simple math: a food product can only be as good as the ingredients used to make it. Mass production prioritizes output and efficiency, which just doesn’t accommodate the use of quality ingredients. Let’s face it. Better ingredients are costlier—food industry giants have no incentive to shell out for the good stuff when low-grade ingredients can fly by as “good enough.”


Plus, all-natural ingredients like fresh produce just can’t accommodate large-scale output. To keep numbers high, factories are forced to lean on frozen, freeze-dried, canned or artificially preserved alternatives that wreak havoc on your essential gut flora by introducing foreign chemicals.


In stark contrast, our small-batch products feature fresh, farm-grown produce and other all-natural ingredients. For us, the small-batch process means the luxury of ensuring quality at every turn: no added preservatives, no GMOs, no artificial anything.

Fine-tuned Recipes

If mass production is a speed race, small-batch artistry is a scenic drive. It’s not focused on getting there quickly, it’s obsessed on doing it well.

To make ADF’s premier collection of hot sauces, chilli salts and seasonings, our craft process started before production even launched—it began at the root, with the recipes themselves.

While mass-produced food items have fast-tracked manufacturing processes that cut corners and simplify recipes, small-batch foods embrace complexity and nuance. Sauces like our Lemon & Garlic Peri-Peri Sauce and Southern Braai Chilli BBQ Sauce, for example, pull strongly from traditional recipes, boasting rich flavors from across Africa. We’re talking regional classics that have been cultivated with care over generations and generations.

In riffing off these iconic flavors, we’ve dreamed up and fine-tuned a line of premium-grade, authentic African hot sauces and spices unlike anything on the market today. Set in the belief that “good enough” is never good enough, we took the time to painstakingly test and tweak them as we went, eventually leading to our premier line: an artisanal collection of African hot sauces, chilli salts and seasonings that are nothing short of perfect.

Rich Flavor

When it comes to flavor, there’s a stark difference between an old-fashioned, home-cooked meal and a TV dinner that’s spent the majority of its lifetime as a rock-hard hunk of frost. There’s something to be said for artisanship—and that something just can’t be mass-produced in large-scale factories.

With their tailored approach and scaled-back runs, small-batch products invoke the passion, nuance and distinct charm of homemade food. While mass-produced hot sauces and spice companies cut corners, we indulge in the details. At the end of the day, it’s those fine-tuned touches that elevate our products from standard to stand out.

Still not sold? Just try one—you’ll immediately taste the difference.

African Dream Foods Kickstarter Campaign

What’s flavor-packed, all-natural, and wholly committed to saving Africa’s endangered wildlife? With a focus on bold taste and conservation, African Dream Foods’ premier line of authentic hot sauces and spices are small-batch products with a big heart.

Here’s how we’re delivering authentic flavor while promoting conservation efforts—and how you can jump aboard early through our Kickstarter campaign.

The Mission:
Saving Africa’s Wildlife and Environment

Africa is home to some of the world’s most diverse wildlife and landscapes. But the continent’s natural treasures are disappearing at an alarming rate. After falling in love with its culture, cuisine, and natural beauty, our founder David was impassioned to make a difference.

What started as David’s love for African cuisine and wildlife eventually became African Dream Foods—a purpose-driven, socially conscious food company that partners with organizations that lead wildlife conservation efforts to educate, raise awareness, research, preserve habitats, and foster grassroots community efforts.


Now, ADF consists of a multi-national team of hot sauce and chili salt enthusiasts who are wildly passionate about conservation and socially conscious food. Together, we’ve developed a line of all-natural African hot sauces and seasonings that give hot sauce addicts the opportunity to indulge their tastebuds while contributing to a cause.

The Product:
Authentic African Hot Sauce and Chili Salts

We can’t put the Serengeti in your backyard or bottle the shiver that runs up your spine when face to face with one of the world’s last black rhinos. What we’ve brought to the table through ADF’s flagship line of spicy salts and hot sauces, though, is just as raw and authentic.


There’s no place on Earth like Africa. And the spices and chili that grow from its soil are as vividly distinct as the continent’s landscapes themselves. That’s why our new line of African hot sauces and chili salts contain sustainably grown, all-natural African ghost peppers, birds eye peppers, habaneros, and jalapeños sourced directly from small South African farms.

South African Fair Trade Practises Farm - African flavor

We’ll put it bluntly: our hot sauces and spicy salts offer more than just rich, authentic flavor—they’re a culinary experience entirely their own. Sound like a lofty promise? We know. The good news is you don’t have to take our word for it.

Be A Part From The Start

We’ve sourced the ingredients, nailed our recipes, and developed a lineup of small-batch, artisanal hot sauces and chili salt we’re psyched to deliver. All we need to launch our first product run and start making a difference in African conservation is a little help from hot sauce addicts like you!

Full Product Lineup

African Dream Food’s Kickstarter campaign offers socially conscious food lovers the opportunity to be a part from the start. When you sign up as a Kickstarter customer, you’re directly funding the launch of our premier line—an artisanal collection of 8 sauces and 4 chili salts crafted with all-natural, African-grown ingredients that range from mild and sweet to sizzling hot. Most importantly, you’re investing in ongoing, sustainable conservation efforts that will continue fighting for Africa’s most vulnerable species long after you’ve emptied your first bottle.

Variety 4-Pack #SendHotSauce

We have 30 short days to raise enough funding, through African Dream Foods' Kickstarter, to get our wheels off the ground and make our first round of production a reality. In exchange for your contribution, you’ll be given exclusive choice of our premier products. Build your own customized pack or #SendHotSauce to your friends and family, complete with a greeting card and gift box.

Once produced, our first line of hot sauces and spices will be shipped from South Africa to USA distributors, where we’ll use them to fulfil your Kickstarter orders. Shortly thereafter they’ll arrive at your door—meaning you can sink your teeth into your favorite dish knowing that you’re helping to stop poaching, support conservation efforts, and protect Africa’s endangered wildlife.


Sound like a hot deal? We think so, too.

Pizza with ADF Sauce

Stick Your Neck Out for the Giraffe

Known for its towering height and mosaic coat pattern, the African giraffe is one of the continent’s most iconic animals. It also measures up as the tallest land mammal found on this planet. But despite its sky-high size and global popularity, the giraffe is currently facing what some experts have called a “publicity problem.”

Overshadowed by movements to save Africa’s other endangered animals, the giraffe’s population numbers are quickly dwindling, pushing the species closer each day towards the threshold of extinction.


When it comes to saving the giraffe, half the battle lies in raising awareness. But in order to bring global attention to these towering creatures’ tragic situation, we first need to understand the challenges currently contributing to their rapid population declines.

Lack of Awareness and Research Data

In the last thirty years alone giraffe populations in Africa have plummeted by a tragic 40%, leaving less in the wild than ever before. Unlike other African animals currently facing population declines, however, the giraffe has received extraordinarily little attention or aid. The lack of vocal support for giraffes when it comes to conservation initiatives has even led some experts to deem the animal’s tragic situation as a “silent extinction.”


This lack of support has created a dangerous absence of data and research about the animal. In comparison to the giraffe’s well-known endangered counterparts (such as the elephant, rhino and even zebra), conservationists have very little meaningful data on the creature. Nothing drives the point home harder than the simple fact that the first detailed study on the giraffe wasn’t conducted until 2016. Up until then, we didn’t even have an understanding of how many sub-species existed.


As population numbers rapidly decline, this gaping lack of research presents serious challenges, especially when it comes to saving the species from extinction. In terms of what we do know about the giraffe, only one thing seems certain: we simply don’t know enough.

Habitat Destruction and Poaching

When it comes to the contributing factors behind population declines, the giraffe’s story is tragically familiar. Like elephants, lions, gorillas and Africa’s other struggling species, these towering mammals struggle to survive under the weight of habitat loss and poaching. Unlike other endangered animals, however, there are far fewer initiatives focused specifically on giraffes—and with less awareness comes less funding and resources.


While Africa’s other endangered animals have dedicated programs, the giraffe’s conservation initiatives are largely unregulated. When it comes to habitat destruction, few measures exist to protect the giraffe. The lack of support for anti-poaching initiatives has also made the giraffe an easy target for poachers, who often slaughter the magnificent creatures just for their tails.

Conservation Efforts—How You Can Help

It’s not too late to stop the so-called “silent extinction,” but it’s going to require that we get vocal and active about giraffe conservation in Africa. To have a shot at saving the species, the giraffe’s conservation movement needs not only to boost awareness about the animal’s current situation—it also needs to raise the funds and interest that make proper research studies possible

Photo by Nisha Purushothaman

With relevant data, experts will have a better shot at finding long-term solutions that will bolster population numbers and keep the giraffe a present wonder rather than a past regret. But research, like anything, comes with a hefty price tag. It also demands that the public wake up to the somber realities facing giraffes. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to help.


The giraffe’s biggest hurdle is a publicity problem—we can’t save them if no one knows they’re on the brink of tragedy. That’s why African Dream foods is putting a spotlight on these gentle giants by featuring them on both our sauces and seasonings. Our goal? Selling millions of bottles to help raise awareness about an animal that’s suffering in the shadows.


Each time you buy one of ADF’s small-batch hot sauces or seasonings, a portion of your purchase will be donated to top conservation organizations that are working at the heart of wildlife research and conservation.


Saving the giraffe might be a tall order, but with your help and contributions it’s definitely within reach.

When it comes to saving the leopard, there’s no overnight fix. But together with your contributions, we can spot hope on the horizon for these beautiful big cats.

The Lion’s Roar for Help

Let’s be real: the lion doesn’t exactly need a formal introduction. Though many of us have never encountered one in the wild, these big cats inadvertently enter our minds almost daily—we’re talking movies, TV shows and even music. Look no further than Disney’s iconic The Lion King or commonplace expressions like “lion-hearted” or “lion’s share” to see how intoxicating of an influence these giant cats have on our immediate lives, even from a distance.

Given their reputation, it’s no wonder lions are referenced frequently as the “Kings of the Jungle.” But their royal status has done little to save them from endangerment. To put their fast-declining numbers in perspective, it’s worth noting that lion population numbers in Africa have slashed in half just since 1994 whenThe Lion King first appeared in theaters.


What’s worse? Experts believe they’ll disappear forever by 2050 unless we take immediate action. Sadly, your grandchildren may only come to know about lions like we’ve come to know about dinosaurs and woolly mammoths: through museum exhibits and movies.


The lion’s story isn’t over quite yet—but it will be soon if things don’t change. There’s still time to avoid a tragic ending, but saving them will require understanding exactly what challenges these felines face, and more importantly, what we can do to help them survive.

Population Declines and Habitat Loss
Photo by Hermis Haridas

When it comes to difficulties, the lion has plenty. In just the last 100 years, population numbers have decreased by around 90%. What’s worse? The few lion populations still roaming Africa’s wild now occupy just a fraction of the land they once did. These glorious beasts, evolutionarily built to roam vast grasslands in order to source prey from large land areas, are now confined to shrinking pockets of wilderness.


In many regions of the continent, including West Africa, lion populations have vanished completely. In a heartbreaking 26 countries across Africa, they have already been declared extinct. All that remains? A select few in so-called “stronghold” areas. But these strongholds are far from safe sanctuaries—they’re troublesome warzones where lions face prey shortages, a lack of suitable mates, and violence at the hands of neighboring humans.


Looking to the future, experts fear the problem could only worsen. Each year, wild lions lose more and more precious land to industrial developments and agriculture. In the next 30 years, the human population of sub-Saharan Africa is expected to more than double, which will further shrink the lion’s ever-disappearing habitat.

The Big Problem: Human Conflict

Of the many factors currently threatening Africa’s lion populations, habitat loss, lack of available prey, and human-lion conflict have the most devastating impacts. According to experts, the three are intrinsically connected in a vicious cycle.


How? Walled-in by civilization on all sides and faced with a lack of sufficient prey, lions must look elsewhere to feed themselves. Often, they’re forced to prey on cattle or livestock—a desperate measure which quickly earns them a death sentence at the hands of local farmers who poison big cats in a bid to save their herds. According to research conducted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), retaliatory attacks are the number one threat to the species as a whole.

Conservation Efforts—How You Can Help

If we want the African lion to remain on this earth rather than becoming a relic we memorialize in our movies and music, we need to act now. Experts have said that twisting the plot to make a happy ending for the lion will require supporting current strongholds and incentivizing local communities to live peacefully alongside the big cats. The key struggle when it comes to these programs? They’re costly to operate.


When it comes to lion conservation, there’s a serious budget crisis. We believe that we all can play a small part, to make a big difference to help lions and other African wildlife coexist with us on our planet. We commend conservation efforts and photography awareness initiatives to help this cause, everyone needs to do their part! That's why a portion of every bottle of African Dream Foods products that are sold will be donated to African conservation efforts that are helping keep at-risk animals like the lion on our planet for the long-term.

Photo by Nisha Purushothaman

At the end of the day, there’s no easy solution. But when you buy any bottle of ADF’s hot sauces or seasonings, you can indulge in authentic flavor knowing that your purchase is going to two organizations who are fighting for Africa’s wildlife. And to be honest, what could taste better?


Look, excitement is in short supply these days. If you’re anything like the rest of us, the pandemic has probably turned your day-to-day life into a bland and repetitive blur. We get it. That’s why we’ve launched the #SendHotSauce campaign.
Variety 4-Pack #SendHotSauce

Why? Well, if you’re stranded on a desert island you don’t just sit around hoping some schmuck sees you and saves your sorry caboose. No. You carve a big ole SOS in the sand and set something massive on fire.


Now, we’re not saying you should run outside and torch your car just because life’s gotten a little boring. But if you’re looking to spice things up and really surprise your friends, #SendHotSauce is the life raft you didn’t know you needed.

Why #SendHotSauce?

When we started crafting our small-batch hot sauces and spices, our goal was to finally bring authentic African flavor to the mainstream market. The result? A collection of bold artisanal products unlike anything you can find on your local grocery store shelf.


Though rich and distinctly African in flavor, our premier line contains a little something for everyone. With a focus on versatility, ADF’s products are specifically crafted to elevate old dishes into new and exotic favorites.


Their versatility makes them delicious, sure. But it’s also what makes them a great gift for anyone looking to add a little spice and variety to their life. While booking a one-way flight out of the country probably isn’t on the table for you right now, ADF’s authentic African hot sauce and chilli salts definitely can be.


If you’re a free spirit who’s craving excitement and could use a healthy dose of ADF hot sauce, the #SendHotSauce is here to save you. Think of it as an SOS signal for flavor enthusiasts. We’ve got to stick together.

How to #SendHotSauce

Karma works in circles—sometimes you gotta give some to get some. The good news? Choosing to #SendHotSauce is a killer way to kick off the good vibes and deliver a dose of unexpected joy to the flavor enthusiasts in your life.

Ready to save your loved ones from the dull churn of routine? A hot sauce gift set is the perfect way to introduce a little adventure into the boring day-to-day. It’s also a super sweet way to tell friends you’re thinking of them when you can’t just pop by and say hi.


The best part? Deciding to #SendHotSauce is a low-effort way to score some major points with your loved ones because it’s incredibly easy to do. Just head on over to ADF’s product page and start designing a gift box.


Each one is customizable, which means you’ll get to pick a variety of products that perfectly suit the recipient. Not sure what to get? Opt for one of our pre-selected packages and we’ll tackle the picking and choosing.


You don’t even have to worry about gift wrap—we’ve got you covered.

The Leopard Needs Our Support

Thanks to their patterned coats it’s actually pretty difficult to spot a leopard in the wild. The true survivalists of the big cat world, these speckled beauties are masters of adaptation. You can find them thriving in our planet’s most dramatic environments: dense rainforests, vast grasslands, barren deserts and even snow-capped mountain ranges. But there’s one life-threatening challenge this species can’t overcome on its own: us.

Right now, leopards are “vulnerable” according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). But with their populations in steep decline, these animals are toeing the line between survival and extinction.


With endangerment just around the corner, the leopard needs our help. To save them, we must better understand exactly what challenges these felines face, and more importantly, what we can do to ensure their survival.

Ceremonial Wear and the Fur Trade

The leopard’s luxurious spotted coat is eye-catching, but it often costs the cats their lives. According to conservation activist Guy Balme, the animal’s fur is its biggest downfall. These felines are up against all the same tragic setbacks faced by other big cats (habitat loss, trophy hunting and scarcity of prey to name a few) but they also carry a unique threat on their own backs: their spotted pelts.


Thankfully, international markets have become less vested in exotic furs since the 1980s when authentic pelts fell out of vogue in the Western World. The plot twist? Despite the drop in global demand, Africa’s domestic fur trade still carries on strong.


Leopards in particular are at risk because their pelts are traditionally used as capes, robes and religious garments for select groups like the Shembe Church. They’re also still commonly worn by Zulu royalty. Despite criticism on the practice, the current Zulu king regularly makes appearances wearing the cat’s pelt alongside traditional medals and insignia, encouraging others to do so as well.

Photo by Nisha Purushothaman

In recent years, African organizations like Furs for Life have sought to save the continent’s leopards by providing local religious communities with synthetic fur substitutes. But even with their promising advancements, leopard populations in southern Africa have declined 80% in recent decades.

Farming Practices and Loss of Habitat

Leopards are beautiful but they’re not so easy to live with. Over the last several decades Africa’s communities have expanded to accommodate growing populations and larger cities. But as these communities grow, they claim more of the leopard’s precious habitat. Pressed by development, the continent’s regional communities have found it difficult to live peacefully alongside neighboring leopards.


While some wild animals are able to adapt and live harmoniously in close contact with human settlements, the leopard’s hunting spirit and undiscerning diet make it a likely predator for livestock. Frustrated by their loss of animals, local farmers often retaliate by slaughtering the big cats in a desperate attempt to prevent future losses.

Conservation Efforts—How You Can Help

According to the African Wildlife Foundation, there’s already a path to success—we need only to follow the formula.


To save the leopards, we must work with communities that live alongside them in order to humanely protect their livestock from becoming prey to neighboring cats. This includes building predator-proof enclosures and educating local farmers on the species. We also need to support initiatives like Furs for Life that offer innovative solutions to help lessen pelt demand from African religious groups.


The solutions are there already. The bad news? They require funding, and the African conservation movement as a whole is facing a dire budget crisis. That’s why we’ve stepped in to do our part.


Each time you buy a bottle of ADF hot sauce or spice, a portion of your purchase goes straight to saving Africa’s most vulnerable animals. Those funds also go towards supporting partners like Wild Shots Outreach, a grassroots organization that promotes respect for wildlife among the local community, as well as Paws Trails, a team of wildlife-lovers who raise awareness through the beauty that nature has to offer.

When it comes to saving the leopard, there’s no overnight fix. But together with your contributions, we can spot hope on the horizon for these beautiful big cats.

When Life Hands you African Chillies

When life hands you lemons you can add a little sugar and make lemonade. But when life handed our multi-national team of hot sauce enthusiasts some African chillies, we cultivated our passions into an authentic African hot sauce and spice brand with a mission of preserving the continent’s endangered wildlife.
  • Bird’s Eye Chilli Sauce

    Your wings will thank you (150 mL/5 fl oz)
    4.81 out of 5
  • Habanero Chilli Salt

    Salt and Heat In Just One Twist (100 g/3.5 oz)
    4.93 out of 5
  • Lemon & Garlic Peri-Peri Sauce

    A crowd favorite mild hot sauce bursting with flavor (150 mL/5 fl oz)
    5.00 out of 5

African Dream Foods is a socially conscious food company committed to bringing authentic African hot sauce and spice to the world. Our premier line of small-batch, artisanal hot sauces and spices is crafted exclusively with sustainably grown, all-natural, GMO-free ingredients (including the infamous African chillies) sourced directly from small farms in South African.

ADF products boast a vibrant range of wholesome, fresh ingredients like farm-grown tomatoes, garlic, and all-natural sea salt—but it’s the authentic African chillies that really claim center stage in each of our recipes.



Jalapeños are the tried-and-true, good ‘ole boys of the pepper world. Offering a mild, front-of-the-mouth heat, many consider the Jalapeño the gateway drug for fledgling hot sauce addicts. We use the seeds and ribs (which contain most of their heat) of this African chilli to pack a nice little kick that won’t knock you out.

Cultivated originally in South America, the pepper was brought to Africa by Spanish colonists. With time, it became widely popular in fusion cuisine. These days, the jalapeño is a common African chilli and can be found in African sweet potato stew, peanut stew, and many traditional sauces. It can be stuffed, fried, pickled, eaten raw, or smoked to create chipotle.

The jalapeño’s fresh vegetal flavor is reminiscent of the bell pepper’s but with a sharper, more spirited zest. Its lighter burn makes it ideal as the headliner of our beloved Jalanasco Sauce—a milder, tangy, condiment that features a balanced ensemble of vinegar, salt, and vintage aged jalapeño peppers.

African Ghost Peppers

The ghost pepper (otherwise known as the bhut jolokia) is the golden child of the African chilli world. This mid-sized pepper stole the show in 2007 when the Guinness Book of World Records named it the hottest pepper in the world. These days, the ghost pepper no longer wears that crown. Even so, it has kept its rockstar status, remaining the central subject of viral chilli-eating challenges and YouTube videos.

At roughly 400 times hotter than your average jalapeño, the African ghost pepper is certainly nothing to bat an eye at. In fact, handling it requires gloves, as it’s known to cause severe skin burns.

Despite its scorching taste, the fiery African ghost pepper rewards anyone who can push through the slow burn with a broad palate of sweet and smoky flavors, making it an excellent addition to curries, stews, and marinades. Its warm flavor and lingering heat are exactly what makes it shine as the star ingredient of our African Ghost Pepper Sauce, an ultra-piquant sauce with balanced flavors and a slow, delectable sizzle. Although our African Ghost Pepper Sauce is not for the faint of heart, it’s a favorite among true hot sauce addicts.

African Bird’s Eye Chilli

The African bird’s eye chilli (sometimes referred to as Peri-Peri) is a small pepper that packs a big punch. At just over an inch long, this little guy delivers a slightly peppered, fruity taste that doesn’t sacrifice flavor for heat. This African chilli is hotter than the common jalapeño but milder than the habanero, making the African bird’s eye chilli a great entry-point for hot sauce addicts who want to push the envelope without going all in.

Historically, the bird’s eye chilli is the central ingredient in Mozambican Peri-Peri chicken—an internationally famous dish which balances the pepper’s fiery kick with the vibrant flavors of fresh lime, garlic, and vinegar. Using a somewhat similar lineup of ingredients, we translated the pepper’s distinct flavor into our Bird’s Eye Chilli Sauce, a cultivar hot sauce that brings an ardent, unforgettable zest to pizza, chicken, meat or fish.

African Habanero Peppers

Like jalapeños, habaneros were brought to Africa from South America by Spanish colonists during the 1500s. Since then, these bright-colored African chillies have become a staple in many of the continent’s regional cuisines, adding a tingling spark and unique aroma to many traditional stews and sauces.

They can thrive pretty much anywhere hot and sunny—but when it comes to spice and flavor, not all habaneros are created equal. What sets the African habanero apart from its international counterparts is its unique floral aroma, which makes it an especially mouthwatering addition to sauces and seasonings. In fact, that’s exactly why we chose this African chilli as the MVP ingredient in our Habanasco Hot Sauce, an ultra-flavorful, fermented tabasco-style sauce that adds a rich heat to any dish.

We’ve also incorporated the African habanero into our Habanero Chilli Salt, a mouthwatering sea-salt seasoning mixed with this African chilli that’s guaranteed to replace traditional salt and pepper in all your favorite dishes.

Socially Conscious Hot Sauce and Spice

African Dream Foods isn’t just about introducing and providing awesome African hot sauce, spicy salt and other delicious food products to the world. We also have a much larger cause at the heart of our company.
  • Ghost Peri-Peri Sauce

    A go-to hot sauce for everything that needs heat (150 mL/ 5 fl oz)
    4.83 out of 5
  • Habanasco – Fermented Habanero Hot Sauce

    A tangy fermented hot sauce with a powerful kick (150 mL/ 5 fl oz)
    4.81 out of 5
  • Safari Smoke Seasoning

    For natural smoky flavor (50 g/1.8 oz)
    4.90 out of 5

African Dream Foods, is a small startup with big dreams. While we’re creating our small-batch, artisanal hot sauce and seasonings, we’re simultaneously putting our emphasis on educating and informing our customers about the importance of conservation of wildlife in Africa. On top of this, a percentage of all of our product sales (between 10 and 40 cents per product) goes to organizations that protect African wildlife.

Why this is so important to us?

For starters, Africa is our home. We’re based out of Cape Town, where our first small batch of hot sauces and seasonings is currently in production. We’ve seen first-hand how Africa’s wildlife populations, biodiversity and precious habitats have declined over the years. We’ve also witnessed the tragic impacts those declines have had on the environment as a whole. It just became second nature in our business model that we would be a socially conscious hot sauce brand.


As people fall in love with African Dream Foods' products across North America, it’s our hope that they’ll also become more aware of how urgently the continent’s wildlife needs our action and support.

See, African conservation impacts the world as a whole, not just Africa. It’s an effort that everyone should care about, no matter where you live.

Africa accounts for 15% of the world’s remaining forestland, but this forestland is under threat. Mass deforestation is reaping tragic consequences on Earth’s environment as a whole. Need proof? Just in the last 50 years, humanity has wiped out more than 60% of the planet’s animal populations.


In Africa, these consequences are multiplied by other harmful human activities. For example, the Wildlife Conservation Society reports an average of 96 elephants are killed for their ivory in Africa each day and the African Wildlife Foundation has recently warned that the continent’s lion population has decreased by more than 40% over the last 20 years.


Even outside of the devastating environmental impacts felt in Africa and beyond, population declines and deforestation also have far-reaching consequences for the world at large. Tropical forests alone (which are disappearing at record rates) contribute to the livelihoods of more than 1.2 billion individuals.


Given that many of the world’s key industries rely on tourism and natural resources, loss of biodiversity in Africa could cost the global economy up to $4.5 trillion annually in coming years.

The worst part? We’re inflicting all this damage ourselves. In the last decade alone, human beings have pushed animals like the Western black rhino, the Carribean monk seal, the Taiwanese snow leopard, the pinta tortoise and the Japanese river otter to extinction as a direct result of poaching and habitat destruction.


So what are some ways African Dream Foods plans to do our part? Beyond donating a percentage of our product sales to conservation efforts, we’re also raising awareness through special partnerships with organizations like Wild Shots Outreach and Paws Trails.


Wild Shots Outreach was founded in 2015 with the conviction that effective conservation must start locally. Through photography, the Wild Shots seeks to connect disadvantaged South African youth with the continent’s unique wildlife, inspiring them to engage more meaningfully in local conservation efforts. Though some of these youth live within walking distance of Kruger National Park — home to some of Africa’s most magnificent wildlife — many have never even seen these animals in real life due to lack of resources and opportunities. In connecting these students with their heritage and educating them on the region’s animal populations, Wild Shots Outreach aims to inspire organic, grassroots movements to help end poaching, protect habitats and preserve biodiversity.


Paws Trails was also founded in 2015 and spreads wildlife awareness to the entire world by bringing together photographers and other creatives to produce a range of publications on endangered species and critical wildlife issues. And now, Paws Trails photographers are providing the wildlife photos that you’ll find on African Dream Foods product labels!


Conservation is truly at the heart of African Dream Foods. We want to be one of the few socially conscious hot sauce brands out there. Want to support us on this important journey? You can find African Dream Foods and all of our hot sauce and spicy salts products on our website and, soon, Amazon.

How Hot is Hot?

Just how hot are our sauces? That depends upon the heat of the chilli peppers used in the sauces. While you would think that a certain pepper has a standard heat rating, the heat of a chilli is related to its growing conditions. For example, chillies grown in winter are often not as hot as chillies grown in summer.
Hot Chillies

To give you a quick science lesson; chillies are part of the genus Capsicum. Capsaicin, and related compounds known as capsaicinoids, give chilli peppers their heat when consumed. Capsaicin in chilli peppers affects pain receptors on your tongue, making chilli peppers taste HOT. Although chilli peppers taste different to each person. While someone could describe a chilli as mild, the same pepper could cause a massive sweat in another.

how -hot-is-ghost-pepper-hot-sauce

Currently, there are three ways to measure the heat of chillies:

  1. Scoville rating — developed in 1912 by Wilbur Scoville — is a measurement of the pungency of spice and a function of capsaicin concentration. The original assessment method included using a panel of five trained testers to detect the heat component in increasingly diluted solutions.
  2. HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) — measures the Scoville rating of the heat of whole chilli or chilli powder using an instrument. This has allowed chilli pungency to be measured more accurately.
  3. New method — a very calibrated system which uses a highly-trained panel of taste testers to provide retailers and manufacturers with a consistent way to rate their products as mild, medium, hot, or very hot. This new method factors in ingredients, colour, and texture of the product that will influence the perception of heat and spice to provide a reliable rating.

Red Habaneros have a Scoville rating of about 500.000 Scoville Units, so 1 teaspoon of Red Habanero Juice would need 500.000 teaspoons of sugar water before no heat is detected. A mature Green chilli has a very similar rating to a red one. Yet a Red chilli is slightly sweeter than a Green chilli.

Here at African Dream Foods, we use a combination of Scoville scale and our own personal taste. And since our founder David has been a fan of hot sauces for quite a long time, you can trust that if he says something is hot, it is hellishly hot! Keep the fire extinguisher — or a big glass of ice water — nearby!

Bringing the Plight of African Wildlife into Focus

A picture is indeed worth a thousand words. Sometimes, as much as we talk about the magnificence of the animals which roam the African plains, it is not until you see a photograph that you understand their majesty.

Yet statistics are not in their favor. Around the world, 52% of wildlife has been lost over the past 40 years. That's a whole lot! In Africa, the variety and abundance of wildlife is shrinking as the human population grows and encroaches upon the once wild and pristine landscape. Poaching is still a significant issue despite government crackdowns, and the spread of agriculture and commercialization greatly contributes to the decline of many species of large mammals. Additionally, many mammals are left orphaned with little chance of survival even with human intervention.

Cheetah Wildlife Plight
Cheetah Wildlife Plight

As we worked to create the African Dream Foods brand, we always had the mission of helping to save African wildlife at the forefront of our brand. And then, as we began to devise our packaging, it became crystal clear that we needed to put these incredible animals front and center on our bottles and seasonings in order to put the focus on them.


And so we set out to find African wildlife photographers whom we could partner with to share the vision of our brand and create greater awareness for the difficulties many of these animals face including poaching and extinction.

Currently, we are working with three African wildlife photographers: Tom Svensson, Hermis Haridas, and Nisha Purushothaman. You can learn more about them here .

As the African Dream Foods brand continues to grow, we welcome participation with and partnership from other wildlife photographers who will help us to capture the attention of the world with their stunning shots so we can support wildlife conservation in the very country that inspired the business.