Best Hot Sauces: Our Top Picks

Look, we don’t like to play favorites. When our team first went to the drawing board to begin crafting recipes, our goal was to design a collection of dynamic products that catered to taste buds across the board.

The result? A mouthwatering lineup of eight mind-blowing sauces, three chilli salts and one smoke seasoning that are dead set on changing how you experience food.

So when it comes to picking ADF’s “top” products, it’s less about identifying which sauces are the “best” and more about finding your sauce-soulmate.

Ready to fall in love? Allow us to do a bit of matchmaking. After you’ve identified the products that fit your flavor preferences, hop over to ADF’s online store to craft a customized pack.

Best hot sauce for those who like it mild:

Let’s be real: extreme heat isn’t for everyone. Sure, you like a dash of spice, but you’d rather bask in pure flavor than set your tastebuds ablaze. We get you.

There’s no shame in liking it mild. If you’re craving authentic African flavor with a milder edge, the Southern Braai Sauce and Sweet Dream Sauce are two favorites just waiting to win you over.


Southern Braai (Heat Rating: 1/10)

Our Southern Braai is a chilli BBQ sauce hailing originally from Africa’s deep south. With a full-bodied sweetness and subtle notes of spice, this one’s known fondlyby our team as a hot sauce with “training wheels.”

The sauce’s fermented red peppers do offer a gentle zing, but their tangy edge registers more as sharp flavor than serious heat. We recommend the Southern Braai sauce to those who shy away from serious spice but still crave bold, authentic flavor.


Sweet Dream Sauce (Heat Rating: 2/10)

We weren’t kidding when we said that we designed ADF’s premier collection to include a little something for everyone. If traditional hot sauce isn’t your jam, our jam-like Sweet Dream Sauce just might be.

We like to think of this one as chutney’s bolder, more flavorful cousin. With a thick, full-bodied consistency, the Sweet Dream Sauce boasts a balanced pallet of flavor from bell peppers, garlic, lemons, coriander and just a dash of red chilli. Its pleasant tingle, fruity undertones and rich texture make it the perfect addition to a bagel and cream cheese.

Best hot sauce for those who like it medium:

There’s something to be said for the middle ground. You crave heat, but you’d rather not scare the pants off your tastebuds. You’re looking for a sauce with a hearty, seductive burn that doesn’t absolutely gas-torch your brains out. We get it—you’re about moderation, and frankly we respect that.

For those who like it medium, the Ghost Peri-Peri Sauce and Bird’s Eye Chilli Sauce hit that sweet spot between mild and mind-blowingly hot.


Ghost Peri-Peri (Heat Rating: 6/10)

The Ghost Pepper has a reputation as a super-hot chilli. But our Ghost Peri-Peri Sauce rounds out the pepper’s intense heat, balancing it with the rich flavor of lemons, garlic and cane sugar. A daring take on traditional peri-peri sauce, this one is miles away from any “hot sauce” you’ve ever tasted.

Our Ghost Peri-Peri is also the perfect opportunity for mid-level heat enthusiasts to experience the iconic chilli’s distinctive flavor without submitting themselves to the ghost pepper’s full-force, mind-blowing heat. At a 6/10 on our scale, this one has a sweet upfront flavor backed by a slow-burning spice. It’ll warm your mouth without knocking you out.


Bird's Eye Chilli Sauce (Heat Rating: 7/10)

The African bird’s eye chilli is a staple in regional cuisines across the continent. It’s best known for its complex taste, striking heat and addictive nature. Those three components are also exactly what makes it shine as the star ingredient of our Bird’s Eye Chilli Sauce—a medium-level sauce that doesn’t sacrifice flavor for heat.

Registering a 7/10 on our heat scale, this one balances the pepper’s piquant sizzle with the vibrant flavors of farm-grown garlic, salt and vinegar. It’s guaranteed to bring an ardent, unforgettable zest to pizza, chicken, meat or fish.

Best hot sauce for those who like it hot:

So you’re a bit of a daredevil, eh? You’re after a sauce that pushes the boundaries and makes you sweat. You don’t shy away from the heat. In fact, you’re addicted to it—and we don’t blame you!

If you’re a die-hard spice lover itching for flavor that’s going to send your head spinning, our heavy-hitting African Ghost Pepper Sauce and Habanasco Sauce are right up your alley.


Habanasco Sauce (Heat Rating: 8/10)

Though crafted in the spirit of a traditional tabasco, our Habanasco Sauce boasts a flavor pallet and heat entirely its own. In place of tabasco chillis, we use farm-grown vintage habanero peppers, which lend the sauce its sweltering heat and remarkable flavor.

Each habanero destined for our Habanasco Sauce is aged for 6-12 months, which sharpens its flavor and brings out a strong, tangy edge. Its versatile, umami taste is exactly what your pizza, chicken, meat, fish and eggs are missing.

best-hot-sauce- ADF-Ghost-Pepper

African Ghost Pepper Sauce (Heat Rating: 10+/10)

We’ll put it bluntly: our African Ghost Pepper Sauce is serious business. With a slow build and lingering burn, this one’s for the true daredevils and heat addicts. If you’re one of the few tried-and-true spice enthusiasts who can push past the sauce’s upfront heat, you’ll be rewarded with its sweet undertones and salty finish.

Sure, it’s hellishly hot—but its flavor is heavenly. Use with caution.

Exploring the Bird’s Eye Chilli

We love this pepper for its deceiving underdog nature. Why? The bird’s eye chilli—at around an inch long—packs some serious heat into a small package. It’s proof that you should never judge a book (or a pepper) by its cover.

A staple in regional cuisines across South America, Africa and Asia, this bite-sized chilli has garnered an impressive number of unique nicknames to reflect its widespread use. Depending on where you are, you can expect to hear the iconic bird’s eye pepper referred to as “piri-piri,” “peri-peri,” “the African devil,” or “the red devil pepper.” But a pepper by any other name is just as hot, so we’ll stick with “bird’s eye chilli” as we explore its distinctive flavor, heat, origin and traditional uses.

The Bird’s Eye Chilli: Flavor and Heat

The bird’s eye chilli may not have the rockstar status that the ultra-hot African ghost pepper enjoys, but it’s still among the spicier peppers in the world—hot enough that you’ll want to wear gloves while handling it raw, unless you’re keen on sustaining some pretty serious skin burns.

Weighing in at an average of 175,000 Scoville heat units (SHU), this chilli is approximately 22 times hotter than the spiciest jalapeño. Despite its heat, its core flavor remains pleasantly fruity, with earthy notes and a slightly peppered finish.

Where Does the Bird’s Eye Chilli Grow?

Like many species of chilli, the African Bird’s Eye Chilli has roots that trace back to Latin America—specifically Mexico. Introduced to the world by Portuguese and Spanish colonialists, these little firecrackers first popped up on the African continent centuries ago.

Since arriving on African soil, the Bird’s Eye Chilli adapted slightly to accommodate the region’s distinct climate, leading eventually to the development of the African Bird’s Eye Chilli—a bird’s eye variation with its own distinct aroma, appearance and flavor.

Today, African Bird’s Eye chillis can be found growing wild across Ethiopia and several other African countries. It’s also farmed in Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique and South Africa.

When it comes to cultivation, a region’s climate and soil conditions have a pretty big say in how an adult pepper matures. While chillis grown in Uganda may bear a general resemblance to those sourced from Zimbabwe, true pepper aficionados will note subtle distinctions between the two.

For flavor’s sake, we’ve chosen to source our African bird’s eye chillis from small South African farms, whose temperate coastal climate and higher elevation produce chillis with rich notes and vibrant heat.

Traditional Uses of the Bird’s Eye Chilli

Its complex taste and bold heat have earned this chilli a reputation as a highly-addictive, incredibly delicious addition to many regional dishes. We’re talking soups, stews, hot sauces and meat dishes—there’s not much that can’t be made better with the African bird’s eye chilli’s delectable sizzle.

Of course, no discussion of this little firecracker could be complete without the mention of its use in Mozambican peri-peri chicken, a zesty African classic that balances the African bird’s eye chilli’s piquant sizzle with the vibrant flavors of fresh lime, garlic and vinegar. It’s also, of course, the starring ingredient in our Bird’s Eye Chilli Sauce, which brings the pepper’s unique heat and striking flavor to pizza, chicken, meat, fish and just about anything else.

  • Bird’s Eye Chilli Sauce

    Your wings will thank you (150 mL/5 fl oz)
    4.81 out of 5

Earn Your Stripes and Help Save the Zebra

Of the three species of zebra alive today, two currently face endangerment. One of them, the Grevy’s zebra, has experienced a devastating population decline of over 54% in just the last forty years. Currently, only around 2,800 of them roam Africa’s wilderness. The quagga, another of the zebra’s unique subspecies, has already been hunted into extinction. It is so important to save the zebra before it's too late.

The key to helping Africa’s zebras overcome isn’t black and white—it will require a nuanced approach that accounts for each of the many challenges the animals face. According to leading conservation authorities, the following are the primary factors causing population declines among Africa’s zebras.

Overhunting and Game Trophies

The African continent is the only place on Earth where zebras run wild. Which is why it is so important to save the zebra. Known for their intricately patterned coats, these gorgeous animals have become prime targets for wild game hunters looking to add another trophy to their collection.

While many conservationists have called for a blanket ban on trophy hunting, the possibility proves economically difficult for the continent. In South Africa alone, overseas game hunters from wealthy countries bring in more than $744 million each year. And unfortunately, the zebra’s distinctive stripes have made it one of the most popular ‘trophies’ among sport hunters on safari holidays.

By Hermis Haridas
Habitat Destruction and Human Encroachment

As with the lion, elephant and rhino, habitat destruction and human encroachment are two of the biggest factors causing population decline among Africa’s zebras. As so-called “pioneer grazers,” zebras prepare grasslands for other grazing animals by clearing away the rough shrubs, bark and leaves that are inedible to other species. This grazing practice makes them essential to Africa’s ecosystem as a whole—but it also means they require vast stretches of untouched wilderness to survive. And unfortunately, Africa’s wilderness areas are shrinking rapidly. It is crucial to save the zebra before it's too late.
Pressed on all sides by industrial growth and agricultural expansion, zebra populations struggle to access adequate food and water. Some even starve to death. According to the African Wildlife Foundation, zebras will travel up to 1,800 miles in search of food. But agricultural expansion and land development have limited their movements, confining them to areas that can’t reasonably sustain them. Standard cattle and sheep fences, for example, keep zebras from moving between habitats, limiting their food and water supplies. As a result, entire herds often die of starvation.

By Hermis Haridas
By Nisha Purushothaman
Conservation Efforts—How You Can Help Save the Zebra

While the zebra as species is not currently classified as endangered, many of its subspecies are quickly approaching extinction. Even so, what we have with the zebra is the priceless opportunity to stop widespread endangerment before it happens. We can save the zebra before it needs saving. When it comes to conservation efforts, the most effective initiatives are always preventative. There’s no way to reverse extinction, but we can stop it before it has the chance to happen.
According to the African Wildlife Foundation, protecting Africa’s zebra populations requires promoting sustainable livestock management. Over the years, some organizations have sprung up to incentivize farmers to follow conservation practices which prevent habitat destruction and minimize agricultural encroachment. Others have worked to dedicate large swathes of land to wildlife conservation, linking key habitat areas in order to maximize grazing range.

The hard part? These measures are far from cheap. Across the board, Africa’s conservation movement is facing a financial crisis. That’s why we’ve stepped up and made it our mission to help. Each time you purchase a bottle of ADF hot sauces or spices, we pass a portion of the proceeds on to Africa’s leading wildlife conservation programs. We might not have the immediate solution, but we’re committed to doing our part.

  • Ghost Pepper Salt

    Spicy chilli salt to sprinkle on everything (100 g/3.5 oz)
    5.00 out of 5
  • Habanero Chilli Salt

    Salt and Heat In Just One Twist (100 g/3.5 oz)
    4.93 out of 5
  • Smoked Chipotle Salt

    Salty, Smoky Heat All-In-One Grind (100 g/3.5 oz)
    4.93 out of 5

Best African Safari Destinations

Our hot sauces and spices are the perfect way to introduce your tastebuds to Africa’s authentic flavor. But if you’re wanting to experience the continent’s wildlife and unmatched natural beauty, you’ll have to bust out your passport and go see for yourself. Africa is home to countless bucket-list-worthy safari destinations—each with their own perks and highlights. Ready to book a flight and experience them for yourself? Here are just a few of what we consider to be the best African Safari Destinations.
By Tom Svensson
Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Each year between June and July, millions of wildlife enthusiasts flock to Serengeti National Park to experience the region’s famous wildebeest migration. But the countless wildebeests and zebras draw more than just tourists—they also make Serengeti an ideal destination for wildlife enthusiasts who have their hearts set on seeing lions, hyenas, golden jackals and black-blacked jackals. On a good day, visitors may even have the good fortune to spot one of the region’s cheetahs.

If the mention of an African safari has you dreaming of sprawling grasslands dappled with acacia trees and antelope herds, Serengeti National Park might be your spot. The best part? Serengeti’s endless horizon and dramatic panorama views aren’t just breathtaking landscapes; they also make it easy for visitors to witness the park’s wildlife populations. One of the best African safari destinations out there.

Chobe National Park, Botswana
Chobe National Park, Botswana

If you’re an elephant enthusiast looking to see the majestic animals in their natural habitat, Chobe National Park in Botswana is the place to be. Dubbed the “Land of the Giants,” this park is home to an estimated 120,000 elephants, which takes the cake as the largest elephant population in the world.

The park’s river also lends the park an unmatched range of biodiversity. To see Chobe National Park in all its glory, you’ll want to skip the 4x4 vehicle and opt for a boat trip instead. Outside of the region’s many elephants, the park is also teeming with hippos, crocodiles, lions, leopards, buffaloes and countless other species.

Etosha National Park, Namibia
Etosha National Park, Namibia


Centered around a salt pan so massive in size that it's visible from space, Etosha National Park is a popular safari spot for wildlife enthusiasts looking to spot elephants, lions, hyenas and cheetahs.

While the park’s arid climate makes it an inhospitable site for buffalo and hippos, it’s one of the only places on Earth where wildlife enthusiasts still have a shot at seeing the critically endangered black rhino, of which there are only 5,500 alive today.

Kruger National Park, South Africa
Kruger Park, South Africa

No safari list would be complete without mention of iconic Kruger National Park. At nearly 2 million hectares, it ranks as one of Africa’s largest game reserves. But don’t let its vastness overwhelm you! Despite its sprawling size, Kruger is the ideal destination for first-timers seeking entry-level safari spots with plenty of accommodation options, well-maintained trails and an established road system.

While there are plenty of guided options available, this park is also one of the best destinations for adventurous nature enthusiasts looking to embark on their own self-drive safari. While there, visitors are likely to see the continent’s so-called “Big Five,” which includes lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants and African buffalos.

5 Reasons to #SendHotSauce

Greeting cards and fruit baskets are great for grandma, but we sincerely hope they’re not your go-to gift when you’re trying to make a statement.
Whether you’re saying, “Happy birthday,” “Hang in there,” or “Hey, I miss you,” you want to state it in a way that sizzles. That’s why the socially conscious food company ADF is offering buyers the opportunity to #SendHotSauce to friends and family.

With a few quick clicks, you can send anyone a flavor-packed gift box of all-natural African hot sauces and spices. Ranging from sweet and mild to blazing hot, ADF’s lineup of crowd-pleasers (African Ghost Pepper Sauce, Lemon and Garlic Peri-Peri, and Bird’s Eye Chilli Sauce, to name a few) are a sure-fire way to score with anyone who loves bold, authentic flavor and farm-grown ingredients.

Plus, each bottle purchased helps to promote wildlife conservation efforts in Africa, making it an ideal conservation hot sauce for fans of socially conscious food.

Seriously, it’s time to spice up the gift-giving scene. Stop trading iTunes gift cards with family members and pushing citrus-scented candles onto your friends. If you’re hunting for a gift with a little more zing, here are 5 reasons to #SendHotSauce.

  • All Spicy Salts & Seasonings 4-Pack

    Free USA shipping
    4.89 out of 5
Looking to spice up COVID lockdown? #SendHotSauce.

Variety 4-Pack #SendHotSauceVariety is the spice of life, but COVID lockdowns and social distancing have created a severe deficiency. For many, day-to-day life has blurred into a bland mix of “sames”—the same tasks, the same home-cooked meals and the same uninteresting flavors.

Sending your friends and family a gift box with ADF’s authentic African hot sauce and chilli salt is the ideal way to add a bold kick to their dull COVID lives. Best of all, ADF’s line of sauces and seasonings pair perfectly with a wide range of home-cooked meals, elevating any drab dish with a punch of exotic flavor.

We might be stuck at home for now, but a hot sauce gift set offers free-spirited explorers the opportunity to serve up adventurous flavor from their very own kitchen. Plus, a surprise gift box is a great way to tell a friend you’re thinking of them when you can’t just pop by and say hi. Social distancing sucks—but it doesn’t have to be flavorless.

Have friends who are impossible to buy for? #SendHotSauce.

Everyone has that one person on their list: they have it all, want nothing, and are famous for returning gifts as soon as they’re unwrapped. The perfect present is something they’ll love and use—we’re talking practicality with a dash of luxury. The sure-fire answer? A hot sauce gift box.

Ranging from mild and smoky to feverishly spicy, ADF’s African hot sauce and chilli salt gift sets are perfect not only for the hot sauce addict on your list, but anyone who loves bold flavor. And let’s face it—flavor is like paid vacations, baby animals, and good health: everyone loves it.

Want a thoughtful gift that won’t break the bank? #SendHotSauce.


Gift giving should be about sharing love, spreading cheer and all that good jazz. It’s not supposed to cause stress or empty your wallet. If you’re hunting for a thoughtful, affordable gift that won’t break the bank, look no further.

ADF offers two gift box options that both ring up at $25 or under. Choose from our 3-pack for $24 or bump it up to a 4-pack for $28. Either way, we’ll take the stress out of shopping and put together a surprise combination of ADF’s 8 sauces, 3 chilli salts, and the Safari Smoke Seasoning that’s sure to appeal to a wide range of tastes. Plus, you’ll save 15% when you use the discount code #SendHotSauce.

Skip the shopping (we’ll select the sauces), the wrapping (we’ll tackle that), and the delivery (we’ve got you covered). With just a few clicks, you can send anyone a thoughtful, delicious gift. Don’t worry, it’s not cheating—it’s just playing smart.

Need a practical gift with a unique twist? #SendHotSauce.

#sendhotsauceWe get the appeal of edible gifts: they’re practical, accessible, and widely popular. Not shockingly, they’ve long been the go-to for those who are hard to buy for. After all, everyone loves food. But food baskets and edible arrangements are a little outdated. Sure, they’re a nice gesture—but that’s really all they are.

Hot sauce gift boxes offer all the practicality and appeal of a traditional food gift with a little more kick and sizzle. Unlike fruit arrangements or chocolate boxes, ADF’s African Ghost Pepper sauce, Lemon & Garlic Peri Peri, and other flavor-packed products aren’t going to expire overnight or pack pounds to the waistline. Plus, hot sauce gift boxes bring joy to their recipients not just once, but each time they’re used. From the top of the bottle to the very bottom, they’ll thank you with every bite.

Want to support wildlife conservation? #SendHotSauce.

ADF’s African hot sauce and chilli salt gift boxes deliver authentic flavor straight to your loved ones’ doors, but they also do so much more. As a socially conscious food brand, ADF donates a percentage of each sale to protecting Africa’s endangered wildlife.

When you #SendHotSauce, you’re not just gifting your love ones the authentic tase of farm-grown African ghost peppers or flavor-packed peri peri—you’re investing in a conservation hot sauce company that fosters ongoing, sustainable preservation efforts. Whether you’re buying our Bird’s Eye Chilli Sauce or Safari Smoke Seasoning, every bottle works to stop poaching, protect precious habitats, and raise awareness through grassroots organizations.

An affordable, universal gift that delivers bold flavor while saving endangered animals? That’s a win-win situation and the number one reason to #SendHotSauce.

#sendhotsauce conservation

Is Hot Sauce Healthy?

Somewhere in the health food frenzy between chia seed smoothies and kale burgers internet wellness gurus failed to spotlight one of the planet’s healthiest foods: hot stuff, particularly chilli peppers and hot sauces.

We’re not sure how modern health food trends skipped over hot foods entirely, but we’re about to set the record straight on behalf of hot sauce addicts everywhere. So is hot sauce healthy? Well, buckle up, here are the science-backed facts behind why spicy foods containing chilli peppers are so ridiculously good for your overall health.

Hot Sauce: The Benefits

We all know the flavor benefits of using hot sauce on just about everything! It has even found a way to sneak into our desserts! But have you ever wondered about our body’s response to this flavor explosion?

Well, we are about to break down what hot sauce does to your body. Full disclosure, when you eat spicy foods a huge sensory overload happens. You may have heard of a little molecule called capsaicin. This molecule is found in chili peppers and is in charge of delivering the heat!

First things first, when the hot sauce touches your tongue, the capsaicin tricks your mouth into thinking that it is literally hot by binding to a tastebud sensor called the Vanilloid Receptor 1. This receptor is the same one that tells your brain that you are, literally, on fire!

We know this sounds terrifying! But it does explain why most of us work up a sweat while eating these spicy sauces. By confusing the brain and making it think you are literally on fire, results in all of the typical side-effects we see from eating hot sauce. Think sweaty forehead, excess saliva, and your face turning tomato red. This may sound like a warning that hot sauce is bad for you, but these spicy sauces are actually chock full of a variety of health benefits!

Hot Sauce Improves Metabolism and Promotes Weight Loss



As it turns out, hot foods torch more than just your tastebuds—they’re also shown to burn fat by increasing caloric expenditure. If science isn’t your strong suit, don’t sweat it—this one’s easy to grasp. You see, capsaicin (that famous chemical found in chilli peppers and hot sauces) temporarily increases your body’s temperature. To cool itself down, the regulatory system has to work a little harder. And that hard work? It’s fueled by calories.

The harder your body has to work in order to recover from spicy food’s irresistible heat, the more fat it ends up burning. Following the consumption of hot foods like chilli peppers and hot sauce, your body’s metabolism is boosted by as much as 25% for up to 3 hours, making hot sauce an excellent addition to any weight loss diet.

So when you are wondering if hot sauce is something that is good to include in your diet, go ahead and pour it on! Hot sauce burns fat and is super healthy for weight loss and your metabolism. It is also way healthier than other condiment alternatives. The amount of sugar in hot sauce is far lower than that of ketchup, so hot sauce is a far healthier option than your ordinary ketchup. Hot sauce and fries anyone?

It is good to note here that hot sauce doesn’t negate the effects of unhealthy, processed meals. So if you are on a diet, the crowd-pleasing combination of hot sauce and eggs is definitely a healthy choice!

Choosing the Right Hot Sauce

Another factor to consider is choosing the right hot sauce. There are some super healthy hot sauces out there, the healthiest hot sauce has the least amount of added sugar, and usually, only contains natural ingredients and no preservatives. Like our Jalanasco and Habanasco fermented sauces (which are also great hot sauces for gut health!). Hot sauces like these are the best for weight loss as they have maximum flavor but minimum calories.

Looking for healthy recipes that include hot sauce? Check out our recipe developers smoky roast veggies or a super easy deviled eggs recipe!

Hot Sauce Eases Cold and Sinus Symptoms

Feeling stuffy? A dash of the hot stuff can burn away a few of the symptoms of colds and sinus infections according to this study conducted by the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center. Why? Capsaicin—the chemical compound that gives chilli peppers their zing—reduces inflammation, which allows nasal discharge or nasal obstruction to soften.

Outside of providing immediate relief, capsaicin may even help clear up sinus infections altogether. Chilli peppers and hot sauces are also mega-rich in Vitamin C, one of the world’s most popular homeopathic cold remedies. This means they help in stopping an infection in its tracks before you even have the chance to come down with a case of sniffles.

So the consensus is that hot sauce is really good for your immune system, which in times like these, is super important! Next time you are feeling a bit on the fluey side, try and add a dash of vinegar-based hot sauce (like our Jalanasco - Fermented Hot Sauce) to some hot water, ginger, and honey, and let it work its magic!

Hot Sauce Boosts Your Mood

If hot sauce puts a big ole grin on your face it’s more than just irresistible flavor at play. Why?

The capsaicin in spicy foods triggers the pain receptors in your TRPV1 nerves, which trick your body into believing your mouth is literally on fire. That might not sound awesome, but the side effects are undeniably pleasant.

In response to the fake emergency, your TRPV1 nerves signal your body to dispatch a flood of feel-good chemicals. Once it hits your system, those mood-boosting endorphins give your brain a subtle euphoric buzz which some compare to a “runner’s high.”

Do you know what else boosts your mood? Good sex! Yes, we went there. Chilies are considered to be one of the best aphrodisiacs out there so a healthy dose of hot sauce can also spice up your bedroom.

Sounds like a win-win to us!

Hot Sauce May Suppress Cancer

If you didn’t already have enough reason to douse everything you eat in hot sauce, spicy food’s promising ability to fight cancer will do it. It’s a lofty claim, yes—but more and more groundbreaking studies suggest the same exciting conclusion: cancer hates spicy foods.

The scientific community still has research to do in order to prove this. Ultimately hot foods are far from a cure-all when it comes to a disease as serious as cancer. However, eating capsaicin consistently forces some cancer cells into a process called apoptosis. Which is basically just a fancy word for “cellular suicide.”

The result? Suppression of cancerous cell growth and the slow-down of tumor advancement. In the future, it might even allow for better management of the disease as a whole.

Hot Sauce Helps You Live Longer

A big claim? Yes. But we’re just repeating science-backed findings. In 2015, a research study of 500,000 individuals concluded something that had hot sauce addicts around the world rejoicing. After tracking participants for seven years, they found that those who ate spicy food at least 3-7 times per week had a 14% lower chance of death.

Too Much of a Good Thing - Hot Sauce Health Risks

As we know, it can be possible to have too much of a good thing. Eating hot sauce every day has some amazing health benefits but there are also some downsides. The health risks of eating hot sauce vary from person to person, so only you know your limits and if you have a sensitive stomach, then things can go south quite quickly; if you catch our drift. There have also been reports on acid reflux in some patients who eat too much of the stuff. Although, some people can eat hot sauce every day and have no problems, so it is really up to you!

There are myths on whether you can eat hot sauce while you're pregnant, and the answer is a resounding yes! There is no evidence that it would harm you or your little one. Thank goodness, nine months without hot sauce would be awful!

The bottom line? Hot sauce is healthy and is guaranteed to enrich your day-to-day existence by adding a little zest to your food. But it might also add a few days to your life and improve your overall health—a fact which may make our products taste even better than usual next time you take a bite.

Time’s Running Out to Save the African Elephant

They’re highly intelligent, deeply emotional and sadly in danger. Today, there are less than 500,000 remaining African elephants left in the wild. With population numbers in steep decline, experts have made the jarring prediction that these wild giants could fall into extinction within our lifetime. That is why it is more important than ever to save the African elephant.


Here are the primary factors impacting their struggle and—more importantly—how we can take action to keep them from disappearing forever.

Habitat Loss and Human Conflict
By Tom Svensson

At between 8 and 13 feet tall and 5,000 to 14,000 pounds heavy, the African elephant is our planet’s largest land-dwelling animal. Sadly, when it comes to dietary needs the elephant’s massive size makes for a massive appetite. Over the last several decades, booming human populations have spurred the encroachment of civilization into natural areas, putting these beautiful giants at odds with their increasingly developed surroundings.

Although researchers have successfully implemented some less-invasive methods for driving groups of elephants away from populated areas (such as using recordings of the sound of angry honey bees or even using hot chillis like the African ghost pepper to deter them), not all methods are so kind. Many have resulted in the injuring or even killing herd members; this has made efforts to save the African elephant increasingly difficult.

Even after an elephant herd is successfully driven away, they face the declining availability of adequate land to live on. With deforestation and industrial development on the rise, today’s African elephants have fewer square miles of suitable habitat than ever before.

Ivory Trade and Poaching

Known for their unique tusks, the lozenge-shaped enamel of African elephants’ molar teeth is what sets them distinctly apart from their international counterparts (such as the Asian elephant). Unfortunately, as with many of today’s most vulnerable wildlife, it’s this unique trait that puts the majestic giants in danger.

African elephants need their tusks for attracting mates, foraging food and fighting off predators. But they’re also an in-demand luxury material used in ivory artwork, ornaments, jewellery and piano keys. At hundreds of dollars per pound, ivory sourced from African elephant tusks have become an in-demand status symbol, especially in countries like China.

Of course, if removing or dying an elephant’s tusk was all it took to deter poachers, the problem may have been solved already. Unfortunately, an elephant’s tusk is deeply embedded into its skull, leading poachers to brutally and violently kill the animals in order to remove the material. In just three years between 2010 and 2013, more than 100,000 African elephants were killed in the name of the ivory trade.

Since the early 1990s, international trade bans on ivory and initiatives like the African Elephant Database have made efforts to ease these tragic consequences and protect the continent’s wild elephant populations, but improvements have been minimal. Looking to the future, saving the African elephant will prove difficult—but not impossible.

Conservation Efforts—How You Can Help
By Tom Svensson

During the 1500s there was an estimated 26 million elephants roaming Africa’s dense forests and grasslands.

Today, there is less than 500,000.

The scariest part? Elephants are what conservation scientists call a “keystone species,” meaning they play an integral role in the life and survival of other animals in their environments. While the African elephant’s extinction would be tragic in itself, the extended consequences of their absence would be catastrophic to the continent as a whole, disrupting the ecosystem with untold devastation.

If current trends continue, the African elephant will likely face extinction in the next 20 years. Thankfully, current trends don’t have to continue—we have the power to enact real change and keep these majestic land mammals from disappearing forever. We have the power to save the African elephant.

As a socially conscious food brand, African Dream Foods is committed to keeping wildlife conservation on the forefront of the consumer conscious. That’s why we’ve crafted an all-natural, irresistible line of hot sauce and spices that give flavor enthusiasts the opportunity to experience authentic African flavor while simultaneously supporting the cause. When you purchase any bottle of our hot sauces or spices, between .10 and .40 cents will be donated to Africa’s leading wildlife conservation organizations.

The most effective conservation initiatives happen from within Africa, through grassroots movements that focus on educating and empowering local community members to fight for the continent’s vulnerable wildlife. But they can’t do it alone.

Preservative Free Food: The Benefits

You could throw a McDonalds cheeseburger into a time capsule and 20 years later it would look pretty much the same as the day it was served up. Don’t believe us? It’s literally been done. If that doesn’t get your skin crawling, it should.

The culprit behind this freakish fact? Artificial preservatives.

Why are preservatives even a thing?

Food preservation has been around for more than ten thousand years, but artificial preservatives didn’t become commonplace in our diets until the 20th century. The modern era ushered in a global population boom, and more people means more mouths to feed.

The result? Food manufacturers ramped up production, turning to new practices in order to meet demand and feed the masses. One of those innovations included the increased use of artificial preservatives, which extended shelf life, making it cheaper and easier to mass produce.

Sounds like a win-win situation, right? Not so much.

These days, a lot of canned goods and condiments have expiration dates that stretch for longer than it takes a college student to finish a degree. Sure, these items might technically be within their “best-by” period. But are they really good for you when they’re jam-packed with synthetic ingredients and chemical preservatives?

Why artificial preservative suck

Artificial preservatives work by preventing the growth of microorganisms that cause food to rot. But microorganisms aren’t just a threat to your cheeseburger’s lifespan—in some cases, they’re essential to your wellbeing. In fact, they play an essential role in your gastrointestinal system and wholly determine your gut health.

Sure, artificial preservatives like sulphites, sodium benzoate and nitrates are going to thoroughly destroy any microorganisms that might try to make a meal of your food. They’ll extend that food’s shelf life, but they’ll also devastate the delicate, essential microbes that wholly determine our gastrointestinal health.

Consuming fermented foods can help to restore your gut flora and bring balance back to your gastrointestinal system. But if you’re regularly chowing down on processed snacks and processed foods with artificial preservatives, those good little microbes just don’t stand a chance.

Aside from their disastrous impact on your gut health, artificial preservatives may also increase your risk of cancer, deteriorate heart health and impact childhood development.

How to find Preservative Free Foods


When you consider the health risks of consuming artificial preservatives,eliminating them from your diet should be a total no-brainer. The good news? There are plenty of natural food alternatives, you just have to know where to look.


Natural preservation processes have been around forever—think about your grandma’s pickle jars or the fermented foods used in many traditional Asian cuisines. There are plenty of natural preservatives out there: oil, sugar, salt and vinegar just to name a few. You just have to find the food products that use them.


When shopping for preservative-free foods, keep an eye on the label and steer clear of anything detailing ingredients such as nitrates, benzoates, sorbate sulfite and chelating agents. A good rule of thumb? If you don’t know what it is and you can’t pronounce it, it’s worth leaving behind.


Instead, keep your eyes peeled for food products like ADF’s small-batch hot sauces and spices, which have a minimum shelf life of 12 months and keep fresh using the properties of all-natural, flavor-enriching ingredients like vinegar and lemon.

The Importance of Fair Trade Practices

You’ve probably already run into the term “fair trade” while browsing fresh produce or grabbing a coffee at your local cafe. This year, industry experts expect ethically produced, sustainable products to claim center stage. And frankly, we’re here for it.

Socially conscious food products are huge right now. But ethical consumerism isn’t a passing fad, it’s a global movement that’s rapidly redefining purchase habits and restructuring entire industries.

When it comes to ethical consumption, fair trade practices are a big piece of the puzzle. But despite its buzzword status, you might still be fuzzy on what “fair trade” really means.

What are fair trade practices?
African Dream Foods Fair Trade Practices

There’s no curveball with this one; fair trade is pretty much what it sounds like. It’s about putting an end to the rampant exploitation and social destruction happening at the hands of unethical companies. In general, the term refers to the implementation of business practices and pay structures that are fair, transparent and socially conscious.

Want specifics? We’re talking about liveable wages, sustainable production practices, safe working conditions and other social and environmental protections. Based on the conviction that there really is such a thing as a win-win business model, fair trade brands leverage their commercial activity to positively impact developing countries and economically disadvantaged communities.

African Dream Foods Fair Trade Practices

African Dream Food, for example, implements fair trade practices by paying a fair price for the work of our production companies in South Africa. In sourcing our ingredients directly from small local farms, we also seek to build regional economies and bring more revenue into the area. In short, our goal isn’t just to churn out a product—we’re striving to leverage our business in order to positively impact the African economy.

Why fair trade practises matter

It’s not exactly a secret: there’s a lot of shady practices happening in the business world today. Big unethical companies are all about increasing profit margins, often at the expense of impoverished communities and developing countries.

They’d like us to turn a blind eye to it, but the tragic truth is that child labor, dangerous working conditions, inhumane wages and other forms of exploitation are all too common. Thankfully, fair trade companies exist to give consumers an ethical alternative.

When you choose to shop exclusively with socially conscious fair trade companies, you’re investing in brands that create opportunities for marginalized producers, bring revenue into disadvantaged areas, cultivate empowering working conditions, ensure worker’s rights and respect cultural identity.

The bottom line? Choosing to shop with fair trade brands is the only way to ensure your purchase hasn’t played a role in oppressing another human being. If that makes shopping exclusively with fair trade companies seem like a total no-brainer to you then we’re on the same page.

How to shop ethically


The good news is that fair trade companies aren’t hard to find; there’s more of them each year.

In most cases, fair trade companies like ADF aren’t exactly hush-hush about their ethical business practices. We’re proud of our brand model and the impact it makes, so we’ll shout it from the rooftops whenever we get the chance. To start shopping ethically, seek out companies like ADF that are certified by a fair trade governance body and vocal about their commitment to moral business practices.

Your Gut Needs Fermented Hot Sauce

Fermentation has stolen the center stage in the food scene in the last five years. For evidence of the trend’s reach, look no further than mainstream franchises: Dunkin’ has rolled out a kimchi doughnut, Arby’s has started offering up sauerkraut on sandwiches and supermarket giants like Whole Foods have gone as far as to install kombucha growler stations in their store aisles.


Cultured foods have even taken the hot sauce world by storm, catapulting fermented hot sauces like ADF’s Habanasco fermented hot sauce and Jalansco fermented hot sauce into high demand—and for good reason. At the end of the day, fermentation is so much more than the latest food trend. Considering its massive health benefits, we’re betting this craze is here to stay. Not sold on it already? Here’s why you might want to reconsider.

What is Fermentation?

Fermented foods have gained a dedicated cult following and an almost mystical reputation, but the magic of fermentation comes down to pure science. Put simply, fermentation is the purposeful exposure of certain foods to yeast and/or good bacteria.

These helpful microorganisms break down the food’s carbohydrates, transforming them into either alcohols or acids. That’s why we have fermentation to thank for beverages like wine and beer—it’s also what gives fermented foods the distinct, tangy taste that so many of us have come to crave. That is why fermented hot sauce is such a hit!



Fermentation packs food with rich flavor and adds a nice little buzz to our favorite alcoholic beverages, but it also does so much more.

To understand why your gut needs fermented foods, you must first understand that there are 10x more bacterial organisms in our bodies than there are human cells. With that startling fact in mind, one could even argue we’re more microbe than human.

Though we never see them and rarely think about them, the microbes that call our guts home wholly determine our gastrointestinal health. They keep our metabolism in check, allow us to absorb nutrients and enable our immune system to function. We’re also indebted to these microbes for much of the dopamine and serotonin produced by our bodies—two compounds which are almost single-handedly responsible for every feeling of happiness you’ve ever experienced. Sound like a lofty job? Exactly. You can eat fermented hot sauce and feel happy about it, now that sounds like a win-win.

Sadly, when it comes to survival in the modern day, our gut flora is up against a lot. Herbicides, processed foods, fluoridated water, antibiotics, stress and artificial preservatives are all out to kill the microbes that work hard to keep us healthy and happy. Thankfully, there’s something you can do to help them out.

Why Fermented Foods Rock

Here’s where fermented foods come in: the culturing process which causes fermentation loads foods up with essential probiotics (read: good bacteria) that keep your gut flora happy and thriving. Studies suggest the many benefits of fermented foods include a boosted immune system, improved digestive health, promoted heart health and the promotion of weight loss.  


In addition to their probiotic boost, the culturing process also dissolves the less digestible elements present in a food source, making it possible for the body to absorb vitamins and minerals that would have otherwise been inaccessible. That’s why so many health experts recommend eating some form of fermented food with every meal—something which fermented hot sauces like our Habanasco fermented hot sauce and our Jalanasco fermented hot sauce are perfect for. 


Basically, when you add a fermented sauce to your meal, you’re not just adding flavor—you’re promoting gut health and allowing your body to access untapped nutrients. If that’s not one of the hottest two-for-one deals you’ve ever heard, we’re not sure what is.